S.No. | Contact | Phone | Email |
| Head, School of Studies in Geography | 9424213188 | skdrsanjuu@gmail.com |
| Head, School of Studies in Hindi | 9424213188 | skdrsanjuu@gmail.com |
| Head, School of Studies in Geology | 8889090065 | sukritatirkey@gmail.com |
| Head, School of Studies in Psychology | 8889090065 | sukritatirkey@gmail.com |
| Head, School of Studies in Library Science | 9302836011 | sanjaykumardongre@gmail.com |
| Head, PG Diploma in Journalism and Mass Communication | 9302836011 | sanjaykumardongre@gmail.com |
| Head, School of Studies in Forestry & Wildlife | 9300790982 | sharadnema@rediffmail.com |
| Head, School of Studies in Anthropology and Tribal Studies | 9826497122 | Kolay.swapan@gmail.com |
| In-Charge Head, School of Studies in Biotechnology | 9300790982 | sharadnema@rediffmail.com |
| In-Charge Head, School of Studies in Computer Application | 9425564911 | sonivinod69@gmail.com |
| In-Charge Head, School of Studies in Education | 9644614641 | 9644614641s@gmail.com |
| In-Charge Head, School of Studies in Business Management | 7000785887 | rashmidewangan87@gmail.com |
| In-Charge Head, School of Studies in Commerce | 7000785887 | rashmidewangan87@gmail.com |
| In-Charge Head, School of Studies in History | 8120493818 | bhuneshwarlalsahu2016@gmail.com |
| In-Charge Head, School of Studies in English | 8120493818 | bhuneshwarlalsahu2016@gmail.com |
| In-Charge Head, School of Studies in Sociology | 8120493818 | bhuneshwarlalsahu2016@gmail.com |
| In-Charge Head, School of Studies in Political Science | 8120493818 | bhuneshwarlalsahu2016@gmail.com |
| In-Charge Head, School of Studies in Chemistry | 9399615776 | mkgh07@gmail.com |
| In-Charge Head, School of Studies in Economics | 7000785887 | rashmidewangan87@gmail.com |