Minority Cell

About Minority Cell

The university minority cell is formed with the aim of empowering the minority communities in the university. The Minority Cell basically helps minority students in their academic development. The cell is formed with the aim of encouraging minority students to enrol in career orientation programmes that would empower and equip them with the necessary skills.


  • To enhance equal opportunity for education of minorities.                                             
  • To facilitate financial support to students from minority communities from government agencies and other sources. 
  • To encourage them to enrol for career orientation programmes like NET, SET etc. which would empower and equip them with the necessary skills to choose a career option.


    • To make Minority students aware of the different scholarships programmes of Central and State Government.
    • To resolve grievances of Minority students' and provide them with the help they need to solve their academic, research and administrative problems.
    • To organize and monitor coaching/training programmes for any competitive examinations.
    • To promote higher education among Minority students and staff.
    • To maintain a database of candidates belonging to Minority in the University to facilitate in placement service.


    S.No.Name of the TitlePublished OnRead
    Minority Cell Committee16-05-2023View