About the Department
The School of Studies in Rural Technology was established in the year 2010 with an aim to carry out teaching & research activities for overall development of rural artisans. The indigenous knowledge of the rural people has been utilized by the department for creation of need-based technologies for sustainable rural development.
The other objectives of the course are to present a holistic view of all parameters leading to the rural development with respect to the appropriate technology i.e. socio-economic upliftment through appropriate/ integrated technology it is expected to benefit those who are young entrepreneurs in more areas aspiring to participate in developmental activities for self employment
Presently, the department runs professional and job oriented Master Degree course related to Rural Technology approved by University Grants Commission, New Delhi. The primary motive behind running this course is to facilitate appropriate development of science and need-based technology for rural areas. In the Master degree programme a dissertation work is compulsory. Students carry on their dissertation work in reputed educational research institutes, GO’s. and NGO’s.
The course is oriented towards rural development problems. The course is open to students with atleast bachelor’s (or equivalent) degree in any science discipline like Rural Technology, remote sensing, biosciences, agriculture, environmental sciences, horticulture, agriculture/ environmental engineering.
Presently the course is organized on semester basis. During the two year (four semesters) of course, students receive fundamental training in each of basic competence domain of their field of specialization and complete their dissertation work. Practical training in the integrated approach through common case studies and research training through the submission of a dissertation. Students receive exposure and are trained for the actual circumstances and scenario through rigorous training and field visits.
Mission & Vision of the Department
- To widen the scope of admitting more students in M.Sc. Rural Technology.
- To develop appropriate technology for rural development.
- To carry out teaching & research activities for overall development of rural and tribal community.
- To develop innovation design and technique for overall development of rural artisans.
- To develop skill in our students for rural planning and implementation of different rural development projects
- To share research achievements and innovations in natural resource conservation.
- To assess and review the advancements in herbal drug research in the region.
- To promote Ethno-cultural oriented education to address the disparities among societies.
- Supplement the efforts of the State government, NGOs and other organizations for promotion and development of young students in the region.
- Encourage interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary researches.
- To explore opportunities for employment and placement.
- Rural Entrepreneurship Development.
- Socio-economic upliftment through appropriate/ integrated technology.
- Training needs assessment of the Rural Farmers.
- Regional studies with emphasis on tribal and rural studies.
- Evaluation, monitoring and documentation of rural development projects.
- Rural energy & rural technology.
- Sustainable rural technology for livelihood improvement.
- Natural resource & indigenous knowledge.
- Remote Sensing & GIS for Rural Planning
The pass out students of the department have opportunity in Government departments/projects, like Rural Engineering Services, Chhattisgarh tribal development programe, Chhattisgarh medicinal plants board, Forest department, District Rural development agency, State institute of rural development, Public health engineering, National rural livelihood mission, Zila Panchayats and reputed NGO’s
Academic activities in the Department
- At present courses are being offered at M.Sc. (Rural Tech.) levels. Students are given the best possible support from the department to pursue their courses as well as research.
- The Department is actively engaged in investigating the present state of rural conditions in nearby villages by conducting frequent surveys and farm and home visits. For this purpose, on every Semester students of this Department along with the faculty members interact with the nearby villages.